Cheers to 2021
January has really flown by. This semester started January 7th, however mentally I wasn’t here until a week after. The December break allowed me to reset and synthesize everything I learned academically and about myself the latter half of 2020. I ended the semester with a great gpa and plan to move upward upon it this semester.
Endocrine and Reproductive module came in strong this month and it was challenging for me. However, I noticed instead of being depressed about it and letting it affect me negatively, the mindset I have now allowed it to positively motivate me and I haven’t procrastinated as much as I usually do. This is so important for me because for a long time I’ve lacked confidence academically due to bad grades and this program has made me overcome this. This is also monumental because I am also studying for the MCAT and prepping for the upcoming MCAT cycle.
Additionally, this was a weird month and I haven’t volunteered this January. I focused more on adjusting into the semester as we have more classes and presentations, and I chose to postpone my current volunteering in order to fully immerse myself in February and the following months. The Farmers Market and their mission really appeals to me and is an organization I want to help with as much as I can. I even plan to switch over and purchase produce etc from them as opposed to grocery stores. Still I’m grateful for this opportunity in all aspects.
See you guys in February!
January Volunteer Hours: 0
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