October Blues

Boy, has it been a month since my last post. A lot has happened but I feel so much more settled into New Orleans. I’ve started to deepen bonds with a few people in my program and even learned new ways to de-stress. My idea of de-stress before was simply sleep.

Speaking of tests, I’ve had 3 exams this October. The first module this month was Neuromuscular and Cardiovascular Physiology which was interesting and challenging. Action potentials is a topic I’ve always struggled with since college, so this time around I came in with a more positive outlook. It still was challenging but I understood it more than I’ve ever had. The next exam was Autonomic Nervous System which was brutal. It made me rethink the program. Our most recent module was Cardiovascular Pharmacology which I did much better on and solidified my study routine.

I also have started MCAT self prep which was a task in itself. Due to the semester ending early, I want to use the extra time to my advantage and really study for my MCAT. It’s been an adjustment since I started this program but my downfalls have actually boosted my academic confidence. I was also very excited to volunteer with Edible School Yard Nola. I will serve as a garden volunteer, cultivating healthy harvest that students can use, and hopefully I can become a kitchen volunteer as Covid conditions get better. However that was postponed due to Covid concerns and little miss Hurricane Zeta. 

I look forward to consistently volunteering this November. For now, Happy Halloween!


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